Outage advice: Tuesday December 3 from 5pm until 6am Wednesday December 4. Payment Portal, Online Customer Requests and Building Application lodgment portal. Outage information Outage advice: 3/12/24 5pm to 6am 4/12/24. Payments, Requests and Building Application lodgment. 

Council land and facilities

The properties are managed with a lease, licence, committee of management or other occupancy arrangement depending on the site, land status and use.

We manage council land and facilities land according to our community’s current and future needs. That includes managing the acquisition and sale of council land and managing keys and accessing a council property.

If your land is adjacent to a Council-owned property you may need to know about costs and building fences around council land. 

As a resident you can request to use vacant land or help us in our management and request maintenance of council facilities. 

Access to City owned or managed facilities

The City has a number of community facilities which are shared by various community and sporting groups. There's limited vacancy however should you wish to be considered for availability within facilities please complete this expression of interest form.

Your request will be sent to relevant officers within the City for assessment and knowledge of your interest should options become available.