Acquisition and sale of Council land

Process to sell or acquire land

The City continually reviews the acquisition and sale of land to provide community facilities and services, to prepare for the future growth of the City, to meet requirements for open space and more.

The City's process to sell or acquire land is governed by the Local Government Act. When considering the purchase or sale of land the council will:

  • Assess the site to make sure the transaction is made for the right reasons and achieves the desired outcomes for all parties
  • Report and deliberate on the proposed transaction         
  • Consult – a public notice may be published to allow for objection submissions to be made

If we decide to proceed a contract of sale is drawn up and the settlement process followed.


Enquire about or propose a sale or acquisition

To find out about or propose a land sale or acquisition, please send us an email and include:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Details of the property in question including an address and/or title reference such as a volume and folio number/Crown Allotment number etc.
  • Whether you are enquiring about purchasing the property from the City or requesting the City consider purchasing from you
  • An explanation of what you propose and why
  • Other relevant information



For more information about leasing a council property contact: 

[email protected]

1300 002 642