Our Councillors

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Role of our Councillors and Mayor

Role of a Councillor

Councillors attend all meetings of the Council and vote on all matters being decided, unless a conflict of interest prevents them from voting. 

A Councillor’s responsibilities include:

  • Strategic planning for the whole municipality and a sustainable future
  • Determining the financial strategy and allocating resources via the Council budget
  • Representing ratepayers and residents
  • Advocating on a broad range of issues
  • Facilitating community participation
  • Liaising and coordinating with other levels of government, non-government, community groups and the private sector

Councillors commit to a four-year term. A Councillor can work full-time and carry out the role of Councillor.

Role of Mayor

The role of the Mayor is to:

  • Chair Council meetings
  • Exercise a casting vote in the event of a tied vote
  • Take precedence at civic functions

Other roles and duties of a Mayor include governance, facilitating good relationships between Councillors and acting as a primary contact for the City CEO. The Mayor is often the face of the organisation, acting as a spokesperson and representing the Council on regional committees.

Council also elects a Deputy Mayor, who will support the Mayor and better represent the Council at events the Mayor is unable to attend.


Allowances for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors are determined by the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal. The Tribunal makes and issues annual Determinations, with Statements of Reasons:

Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal: Annual adjustments

As a Category Three Council the City of Greater Bendigo allowances (inclusive of superannuation or equivalent) are:


  • Mayor – $119,316
  • Deputy Mayor – $59,658
  • Councillors – $35,972


  • Mayor – $122,630
  • Deputy Mayor – $61,315
  • Councillors – $37,010


  • Mayor – $134,954
  • Deputy Mayor – $67,477
  • Councillors – $40,769


  • Mayor – $138,506
  • Deputy Mayor – $69,252
  • Councillors – $40,769


  • Mayor – $142,057
  • Deputy Mayor – $71,028
  • Councillors – $40,769