The City of Greater Bendigo is calling for expressions of interest from members of the community who live with disability, care for someone who does, or who work with people living with disabilities to join its Disability Inclusion Reference Committee (DIRC).
City Manager Community Partnerships Andie West said the City established the DIRC in 2016 to provide advice to Council that supports greater social inclusion of people with disability.
“The DIRC acts as a central point for City staff and Councillors when advice is sought on matters relating to the needs and requirements of people living with disability,” Ms West said.
“The Committee assists the City to consider all types of access and inclusion when developing policies and strategies and undertaking projects, so it is an important role.
“Committee members will be appointed for a two-year term and meetings will be held every two months.
“Some preparation and reading will be required prior to meetings and at times Committee members may be required to visit sites within Greater Bendigo to provide consultation and advice on City projects or major developments.
“We are looking for people with lived experience, unpaid carers of people who live with disability, representatives from local disability-specific agencies, and representatives from local organisations or networks that have influence on social inclusion for people living with disability to join the Committee.”
Applications from people with diverse cultural backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people of all ages and abilities, as well as past and outgoing members of the Committee are welcomed.
Applications close Friday April 4, 2025.
For more information, please contact Jessica Currie via phone or email: