Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf receives Mayor Emeritus Award

Media release

Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf has been recognised at the Municipal Association of Victoria 2024 Councillor Service Awards, receiving the Mayor Emeritus Award for completing three full terms as Mayor.

Cr Metcalf said she was honoured to be recognised for her service.

“It has been a great privilege to be Mayor for the past three years and to lead the Greater Bendigo community,” she said.

“I became Mayor as we were emerging from the pandemic years and our community and economy were starting to open up. Since that time, we’ve marked a number of community celebrations, completed a range of major projects, and endorsed several important, future-focused strategies and plans.

“I have appreciated the support of my fellow Councillors and thank the residents of the Whipstick Ward for the opportunity to be a Councillor. Being both a Mayor and Councillor are roles I have treasured and I am delighted by what has been achieved by Council, with the support of City of Greater Bendigo staff and the community.”

City Chief Executive Officer Andrew Cooney congratulated Cr Metcalf on behalf of staff.

“Cr Metcalf has been a wonderful leader and a great collaborator, willingly engaging with community members and working closely with staff to achieve the objectives of Council,” Mr Cooney said.

“To have been Mayor three times represents an incredible commitment to the role, which involves many hours of reading, meetings and attending events.

“Cr Metcalf has always done this willingly and been a great ambassador for Greater Bendigo.

“Congratulations Cr Metcalf on this well-deserved recognition.”

Greater Bendigo