Our organisation

Council Plan (Mir Wimbul) 2021-2025

The Greater Bendigo Council Plan (Mir Wimbul) 2021-2025 is a critical document that guides the work of staff at the City of Greater Bendigo. The goals within this plan will help to deliver on the community vision to create a bright and happy future for us all.

Organisation structure

The organisation structure ensures staff work as one to achieve our vision for Greater Bendigo. We have four directorates:

  • Corporate Performance
  • Healthy Communities and Environments
  • Strategy and Growth
  • Presentation and Assets

The Executive Services unit reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

Customer Service Charter

Our Customer Service Charter explains how staff at the City of Greater Bendigo will respond to you. We commit to the delivery of high quality, accessible and responsive customer service in accordance with our values and behaviours.

Policies and good governance

Council is committed to good governance and decision making that is transparent and accountable.

Information is available so you can access, understand and participate in Council activities.


Gender equity

Gender equity is the process of being fair to all genders, recognising that the playing field is not always even.