Body worn cameras

The City’s Parking Officers have recently started using Body Worn Cameras while they work. The cameras are being used for the officer’s safety and wellbeing, due to an increase in aggressive behaviour towards them while they are undertaking their work duties. Footage and audio recordings showing aggressive or abusive behaviour towards City staff will be provided to the police for investigation.

The cameras are also intended to improve evidence gathering and reduce anti-social behaviour. Cameras are only used to record in public places and are not used to record in private dwellings or locations which are used for activities considered to be private.

Cameras are always worn in a highly visible location on the outside of an officer’s uniform. The cameras aren't operated covertly while hidden or in any secret way by City officers.

What the cameras record

Body worn cameras capture video and audio recordings of Parking Officers interactions with members of the public.

They can be used to record:

  • Evidence of aggressive or antisocial behaviour that the recording officer is subject to or a witness to.
  • Situations where the officer feels threatened or intimidated
  • Conversations with members of the pubic relating to enforcement activity or offences committed which may be used as evidence
  • Conversations or interactions with the public which may result in an allegation being made against the officer or misrepresentation of what the officer said
  • To collect evidence to support enforcement activity
  • All activity when attending areas or properties with a history of aggressive behaviour towards officers
  • Any interaction with members of the public where the officer believes they require a real time record

What can the footage be used for?

The footage from body worn cameras can be:

  • Provided to police as evidence of incidents of workplace aggression and violence by members of the public against the City of Greater Bendigo’s parking officers
  • Used as evidence to support enforcement activity
  • Used as evidence in court
  • Used to inform further investigation or enforcement activity
  • Used as a training guide for Officers

Footage Protection

Footage showing personal information is protected from misuse, unauthorised access, alteration and disclosure to unauthorised people under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

How long is footage stored

Footage is stored in line with legislation and is deleted after 90 days. Where footage is required by the City of Greater Bendigo it is stored until it is no longer required but for no longer than seven years.

Freedom of Information

Footage containing your personal information may be available for your access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 if you make a formal request.

If you believe a Body Worn Camera has been used inappropriately

If you believe one of our officers has used a Body Worn Camera in an inappropriate way, you can contact the Manager Safe and Healthy Environments on 1300 002 642

Complaints will be investigated in line with the City’s internal Processes and Policies.