Greening Greater Bendigo 2020-2070 is the first urban forest strategy for Greater Bendigo. It is a 50-year strategic vision for increasing tree cover and improving tree health across our urban areas and townships.
Adopted Date
Greening Greater Bendigo 2020-2070 is the first urban forest strategy for Greater Bendigo. It is a 50-year strategic vision for increasing tree cover and improving tree health across our urban areas and townships.
Greener Greater Bendigo provides a strategic response to the complex challenges that threaten the health of the natural environment, the health of our residents and the liveability of our City and townships over the coming decades.
It incorporates a 10-year action plan which outlines the City's most immediate priorities and commitments to increase tree cover and protect the trees and green spaces that the community value. It aims to reverse the trend of tree loss from urban areas so that the multiple benefits trees provide can be enjoyed by current and future generations.