Tourism projects

Golden Dragon Museum - detailed design and planning

The Golden Dragon Museum has prepared a business case for a major redevelopment and is ready to take this project to the next stage as it becomes the National Chinese Museum of Australia. The current facilities opened in 1991 and are no longer fit for purpose.

The Museum’s collection holds items that are of international significance and rarely seen outside of China including Bendigo’s Imperial Processional Dragons Loong, Sun Loong and Dai Gum Loong. The surrounding Yi Yuan Gardens, Guan Yin Temple, and a public gathering and event space greatly enhance the Museum and together form the Dai Gum San precinct.

Total project cost - $1.2M

  • Australian or Victorian governments - $1.2M

The redevelopment will deliver three new exhibition spaces, an immersive theatre, research centre and education studio, new building exteriors, improved retail experience, and updated amenities and storage.

Central Deborah Gold Mine

Central Deborah Gold Mine is one of Bendigo’s top rated tourist attractions. A master plan for the site was prepared in 2023 and includes 16 items for implementation. Stage 1 early investment is focused on broadening the appeal of the site and enhancing the visitor experience. These works are forecast to double the number of paying visitors and provide an engaging and interactive experience for those not braving the underground tour.

Total project cost - $10.33M (for the full implementation of the master plan)

  • Stage 1 Project cost - $3.26M
  • Stage 1 Australian or Victoria governments - $2.2M 
  • Stage 1 Bendigo Heritage Attractions - $1.06M

Stage 1

Stage one works include:

  • Full refurbishment of the Visitor Centre, including café, retail and office facilities
  • Doubling the size of safety briefing rooms (to support increased mine tours)
  • New and accessible gold panning creek and metal detecting areas
  • New weather-protected waiting area for tram tours with improved access to the Visitor Centre
  • Improved accessibility across the site, new fencing and signage