Instream works

About this project

The City is partnering with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (Djaara) to undertake a range works as part of the Reimagining Bendigo Creek initiative aimed at enhancing the amenity and habitat values of the site.

The Bendigo Creek Instream Works project aims to significantly improve the condition of the 150-metre section of Bendigo Creek between Weeroona Avenue (Kings Bridge) and the Vic Track railway bridge. The works will include:

  • Removal of the instream concrete structure (old litter trap)
  • Erosion control, bank battering and profiling (including rock armouring)
  • Creation of an informal rock ford/crossing
  • Installation of a gravel path (on the western side)
  • Revegetation using native indigenous trees, shrubs and ground story plants; and
  • Installation of new park furniture and interpretive signage

This project is co-funded by the City of Greater Bendigo and the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action and is supported by the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (Djaara).

The works are underway and are expected to be completed by Autumn 2025 due to landscaping delays.

Affected access to the creek corridor

While the works are underway access to the pathway will be impacted and detour signage will be in place. 

Access under Weeroona Avenue bridge will not be available during the works period and access under the railway bridge will not be available during the normal work day, but will be open outside of the workday to provide access for path users.

We are also creating a temporary fenced area to stockpile materials for construction to the open area to the north east.

Community Compass: Instream Works fenced area

Highlighted map showing the area next to Weeroona Avenue that is fenced off for the Instream Works.
Map of Instream Works area

Frequently asked questions

Why is the City undertaking this work?

The project is part of the Reimagining Bendigo Creek Plan, which created a vision for what the community wanted to see happen along the corridor.

In alignment with the plan, the Bendigo Creek Instream Works project will significantly improve the condition of a 150 meter section of the creek between Weeroona Avenue (Kings Bridge) and the Vic Track railway bridge.

What happens after the work is complete?

Ongoing maintenance will be set up to make sure the plants establish and the area's amenity is maintained.

How can I find out more?

We will provide information and QR codes for further project information at the site to encourage community questions.

For all other questions, contact us via email [email protected]