Strathfieldsaye Town Square

About this project

We're undertaking a $1.5M project to create a Town Square at the corner of Apsley Lane and Wellesley Street. The project also includes construction of shared paths, new public space infrastructure and landscaping within the currently unmade grassy and treed road reserve of Wellesley Street located between Apsley Street and Strathfieldsaye Road.

This important project will form the future town square and commercial heart of the Strathfieldsaye town centre by creating a place for residents to shop, gather, meet, attend events and enjoy.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Project features

Flexible paved gathering spaces to cater for a range of community uses, including markets and cultural celebrations.  

A shared path designed to ensure safety and accessibility for all users for walking, running and cycling activities along the site. 

Raised garden beds that will provide shading, seating and a barrier to car access. The garden beds will also add aesthetic and environmental value to the space.

Hardscape commercial break out area that will allow businesses to extend their services and products to the public space. 

Perimeter footpaths that will service future commercial frontages and provide opportunity for slower-moving pedestrian traffic. The footpaths will also connect the site to the surrounding streets and amenities.

Multiple lawn areas that will offer green and open spaces for relaxation, recreation and socialisation. The lawn areas will be maintained to ensure quality and durability.

Native garden beds that will showcase local flora and fauna. The garden beds will also provide habitat and food for native wildlife and pollinators.

Native grass areas that will create a natural and low-maintenance ground cover.

The future civic heart of Strathfieldsaye will feature: 

  1. Flexible, paved gathering spaces to cater for a range of community uses, including markets and cultural celebrations. These areas will have shaded seating, solar-powered lighting and bicycle hoops.
  2. North-south shared path connecting Apsley Street and Wellington Street/Strathfieldsaye Road. Proposed path alignment will minimise impact on existing large trees.
  3. Existing school crossing in future will be a signalised pedestrian crossing, subject to future planning and funding by Department of Transport and Planning.
  4. Raised garden beds with seating, native planting and shade trees.  
  5. Flexible paved zone to support café-style outdoor dining. Future redevelopment of privately-owned properties surrounding the town centre will bring activity, life and colour to the civic heart of Strathfieldsaye.
  6. Perimeter footpath connections to cater for slower-moving pedestrian traffic along future shop frontages. 
  7. Open lawn space. 
  8. Areas of attractive, low native plantings; bird-attracting shrubs and grasses.
  9. Recently constructed childcare centre.
  10. Planning approval has been granted for a two-storey mixed-use development on this privately-owned property. Ground-floor shops fronting Apsley Lane and future town centre open space, with a small number of apartments on top.
Strathfieldsaye Town Square concept map of work
Strathfieldsaye Town Square concept map


Construction to start
Construction to be completed by early 2025

More information

What is the vision for the Strathfieldsaye Town Square?

Strathfieldsaye Town Square will be a safe and lively shopping, public gathering and events space that provides people with opportunities to interact with the environment and other people. The Town Square will provide direct and comfortable movement for pedestrians and cyclists and will feature landscaping that enhances and contributes to the bushland setting.

How is the City proposing to create a Town Square in Strathfieldsaye?

The plan for the Town Square features a range of amenities and facilities to enhance the quality of life and sense of place for both residents and visitors to Strathfieldsaye.  It will also encourage future development of active retail and commercial spaces at ground level and apartment living on upper levels.

The plan features:

  • Creation of a new town square space that will serve as a focal point and gathering place for the community with paved areas, street tree planting, raised tree beds with seating and a lawn space that can accommodate markets and other events
  • A shared path from Apsley Street to Strathfieldsaye Road/Wellington Street and a network of footpaths to provide safe and convenient access to the town centre and surrounding areas
  • A series of shrub/tree garden beds, picnic lawns and native grasses beds that create a green and attractive landscape for the town centre, while also providing shade, biodiversity and stormwater management benefits
  • Retention of existing trees where possible
  • Paving in the town square zone to highlight local indigenous culture
How did this project come about?

Strathfieldsaye located on the south-eastern side of urban Bendigo is a declared future growth area for Greater Bendigo along with Jackass Flat, Huntly, Maiden Gully and Marong.  
Strathfieldsaye township started developing at suburban densities in the 1990s. It has steadily grown since that time and has now emerged at the end of one of five main transit corridors in Greater Bendigo. 

To accommodate the growth without losing its character the City worked closely with the community to develop the Strathfieldsaye Town Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF) which was adopted by Council in 2017. 

The UDF sets the direction and coordination for the development of the Strathfieldsaye Town Centre area and focuses on the town centre of Strathfieldsaye and the area along Wellington Street/Strathfieldsaye Road. 

The vision of the UDF is “Sustainable growth and development of the town centre that meets the needs of the whole community, the landowners and businesses and presents as a well-designed, vibrant, safe and attractive place for all.”

The Strathfieldsaye Town Centre UDF was developed with extensive community involvement including feedback from a Community Reference Group who volunteered their time and provided great feedback throughout the project.

Key directions of the UDF included: 

  • Consolidation of the town centre on the north side of Wellington Street as the focus for retail development and the major place for people to gather in civic events
  • The Town Centre within the creeks is a concept that will be promoted by strong native tree planting and landscaping 
  • The Town Centre will support a network of connecting foot and bicycle paths to housing, commercial, social and recreation areas 
  • The design of new developments should contribute to the preferred Strathfieldsaye Town Centre character Key actions
  • Introduce a Design and Development Overlay (DDO) for the town centre and the town entrances 
  • Rezoning of several sites including sites from Commercial 1 Zone to Mixed Used zone
  • Commencement of detailed design and costing for a square in the Town Centre Square

Progressive development of the Town Centre in accordance with the recommendations of the UDF will require resources over an extended period of time.

What are the benefits of this project?

There are many benefits for Strathfieldsaye in undertaking this project including:

  • Transforming the retail and commercial core of Strathfieldsaye into a vibrant and inviting place 
  • Realising the vision and goals articulated in the community and Council-endorsed Strathfieldsaye Town Centre Urban Design Framework
  • Stimulating private investment and land redevelopment, creating opportunities for local employment  
  • Creation of a landmark and a destination place that will showcase the unique identity of Strathfieldsaye 
  • Creation of linkages to other public facilities near the town centre
  • Creation of a central place in Strathfieldsaye township for residents to gather, meet, attend community events and enjoy!
Who has developed the plans?

The draft plans have been developed by the City of Greater Bendigo’s Landscape Design team in partnership with the Traditional Owners the Dja Dja Wurrung.

What will happen to the existing trees currently growing in the space?

Where possible the existing trees have been incorporated into the plan for the project. The City’s arborists have evaluated all trees and those with high value will be retained while those that are comprised will be removed.  The plan also includes the planting of many new trees and shrubs to compliment the natural landscape values of Strathfieldsaye.

Will Strathfieldsaye residents be inconvenienced by the works?

The City will work closely with landowners adjoining the site to ensure the project causes minimal inconvenience to them.  However, the majority of Strathfieldsaye residents will not be inconvenienced by the works.


Road reserve of Wellesley Street located between Apsley Street and Strathfieldsaye Road.