What will the Loddon Mallee RCB do with my documentation?
The Loddon Mallee RCB will assess the documentation provided against the required criteria and complete the last section of the Regional Certifying Body Advice Form 1404 (questions 11-15).
From this point the Loddon Mallee RCB is no longer involved in the process.
Please note that a positive 'satisfies' RCB assessment does not ensure the Department of Home Affairs will approve the SESR Nomination.
Similarly, a 'does not satisfy' from an RCB does not necessarily mean the Department of Home Affairs will not approve the Nomination. The Minister has the power to determine the outcome of all SESR Nominations regardless of the RCB advice. The RCB advice is only one element within the Minister’s assessment process in considering an employer's Nomination for an SESR. Where a lodged application receives negative RCB advice, the Department of Home Affairs will provide an opportunity for the nominator to respond to that advice.
Method of payment
The Loddon Mallee RCB request for assessment fee is $550 inclusive of GST. Upon receipt of your documentation the RCB will send you an invoice for the payment. Upon receipt of payment the Loddon Mallee RCB will commence processing your application which will be completed within 28 days.
Other information:
- If the RCB is not satisfied and advises the Department of Home Affairs and the employer to this effect, the RCB is under no obligation and will not enter in to any correspondence or have any contact with the nominating organisation or their representative regarding the assessment
- If you resubmit an RCB request for assessment, there will be another assessment charge of $550 inclusive of GST
- The RCB will not commence processing your assessment until the payment has been received
- The assessment process takes 28 days from receipt of payment
- No staples in documents, no double-sided printing
- Supply a prepaid self-addressed postage paid/A4 Express Post envelope (if you require your documents back)