Heritage Advisory Committee

It achieves this by doing the following:

  • Providing advice into Council’s strategic planning processes, as required, to ensure that heritage matters are given due consideration;
  • Providing advice to the Council on the identification, management and conservation, restoration and promotion of places of heritage significance, as required, in the municipality;
  • Promoting community participation in heritage issues through awareness raising, education, engagement and mentoring;
  • Providing advice to Council on current and emerging issues and opportunities in heritage that Council can advocate for on a local, State and National level; and
  • Assisting in the development of partnerships and communication networks to ensure effective dissemination of information and coordinated advice and feedback to Council.

The most recent Committee was formally appointed by the City of Greater Bendigo Council on 28 February 2022 for a term of four years.

The membership of the Committee is currently comprised of:

  • One elected member of Council (the Chairperson);
  • Ten representatives drawn from the community who have expertise, skills, qualifications, experience and passion for Greater Bendigo’s heritage or heritage matters;
  • One representative from the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning;
  • One representative from Heritage Victoria; and
  • One representative from a Registered Aboriginal Party for the City of Greater Bendigo.

Council officers also attend meetings and provide support to the Committee.