Depending on the type of application, or whether objections have been received, a planning decision may be made by:
- A planning officer
- A delegated panel of senior officers
- The Council at an Ordinary Council meeting
There are three types of decisions that can be made on a planning permit application.
Issue a planning permit
If there are no objections and your proposal is considered acceptable, you will be issued with a planning permit and you can commence your land development or use project.
A planning permit is always subject to specified conditions that must be met.
Issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit
If there are objections but we consider your proposal is acceptable, a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit will be issued. It signals the City’s intention to grant the permit and sets out the conditions to be included.
A copy of this notice is sent to all concerned parties. If no reviews have been lodged with VCAT within the stated timeframes, a planning permit is issued.
Refuse to issue a planning permit
If your proposal is considered not acceptable, a notice of refusal will be issued.
The reasons for the refusal are listed in the notice and you must not proceed with the proposal. All concerned parties will receive a copy of the notice.
Appeal to VCAT
Applicants or objectors who are unhappy with the decision can lodge an application for review with VCAT. The specified timeframes are set out on the back of the decision notice.
Complying with conditions
After the approval of a planning permit, you may need to submit further plans or documentation for endorsement to comply with your permit conditions. These requirements are usually stated in condition 1 of the permit.
The documents will be assessed by a planner and may involve specialist input from internal units or external agencies. Once the plans or documents have been considered satisfactory, they will be endorsed and a copy returned to you.
It is important to note that if your permit has been granted, other permits from the City may still be required.