Before you apply for a planning permit

Knowing the zoning and overlay controls which apply to your land, what documents are required for an application and also the other consents/permits you may need will assist your project through the planning process.

First steps before you apply for a permit

Before applying for a planning permit, we recommend you do some research to understand the features of your property.

Knowing the zoning and overlay controls which apply to your land, what documents are required for an application and also the other consents/permits you may require will assist your project through the planning process.

Understand the features of your site

Things to consider before finalising plans:

  • Are there any restrictions on my property title?
  • Is there an easement on my property? And will I need to be setback from it?
  • Is there a Council street tree where I want to put my driveway access?
  • Will my development require native vegetation removal?
  • Is my property in a Neighbourhood Character Overlay?
  • Is my property in an Heritage Overlay?
  • Is my property in a zone or overlay which supports my development or is there a more suitable location for my project?

It is important to work with the purpose of the zone, overlays, context, title restrictions and features of your site before finalising plans. If you don't consider or protect certain features as part of your proposal, there is risk that your project may not be supported and your plans will need to change, or could even be refused.

Find out if you need a planning permit

Discuss your proposal with the Planning team. 

We can: 

  • Explain what your zones and overlays mean under the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme 
  • Advise whether your proposal needs a planning permit 
  • Advise if your proposal is prohibited under the Planning Scheme 
  • Tell you the basic information you need to supply with an application 
  • Explain how the application will be processed. 


Talk to your neighbours

Talk to your neighbours so they are aware of your project and you are aware of any concerns they may have. 

Most people appreciate the opportunity to discuss a proposal that might affect them.  Taking the time to talk to them at this early stage may save time later if changes can be made to the plans that address their concerns prior to lodging your application. 

Consider getting professional advice

Preparing a good quality planning application can be complex.  Getting the right professional advice from a private planning consultant before you apply will help in preparing the right documents and plans to submit an application that meets the criteria of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. 

Key points

Planning approval is not always needed.   

A planning permit does not replace the need for a building permit. 

Where a planning permit is required for your development, you must obtain this before a building permit. The final stamped plans on a building permit must be the same version as those on the planning permit or you will need to apply for a minor amendment to a planning permit (fees apply) to change them. 

Contact Planning

Submit a planning enquiry online or phone us to request a call-back.

We need to know the address of the property for your query and a general outline of what you want to do. 

A duty planner will research your enquiry and get back to you Monday to Friday between 8.30am-4.30pm.

Submit a planning enquiry online