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Sleep and settling program

The sleep and settling program has been developed through the Victorian Government’s More help for new Victorian mums and dads initiative that aims to support parents and caregivers who identify a sleep concern with their child.  

The program strategies are evidence informed and the program provides information and guidance around typical sleep patterns and behaviours across a range of developmental ages. The program also addresses common sleep concerns.

Please note Baby (6-12 months) and Toddler (18-24 months) videos refers to Controlled Comforting which is currently a technique that's NO LONGER supported in our service delivery and our resource literature. We're currently awaiting updated research and literature and as such are only recommending the following settling strategies: parental presence, camping out and responsive settling.

Frequently asked questions

How is the program delivered?

The program is first introduced during your appointment with a Maternal and Child Health Nurse where sleep and settling concerns can be discussed and then supported through fact sheets available at the City’s MCH Centres, online at betterhealth.vic.gov.au or by downloading the free MCH app from google play or the app store. 

On demand sessions are now available for newborn (0-3 months), baby (6-12 months) and toddler (18-24months).  

Consultations are also available through the MCH 24/7 help line (13 22 29), this can include follow up calls made at a convenient time for parents.  

In-home support for families experiencing significant and ongoing sleep and settling concerns is also available through the program. 

How will the program help me?

The program allows parents to learn about typical sleep patterns and behaviours, discuss strategies to avoid poor sleep habits and information to address sleep concerns that parents may identify.  

How much does it cost?

The sleep and settling program is fully funded through the Victorian Government. There is no cost to families to attend these sessions.

Who delivers the program?

The City of Greater Bendigo’s qualified team of Maternal and Child Health Nurses and Early Parenting Workers who have undergone sleep and settling specific training will deliver the program in Greater Bendigo. 

Who can attend the program?

Any parent or caregiver who has a newborn (0-3 months), baby (6-12 months) and toddler (18-24months) may attend a session.  

While any parent or caregiver of a child under school age can call the MCH 24 hour line.  

All parents or caregivers can discuss sleep concerns with their Maternal and Child Health nurse at any MCH appointment.  

What if my baby is outside the age range indicated?

Please choose the most appropriate group to your needs. A general guide is 0-3months newborn, 3months-12months baby and finally 12months+ is toddler group.