Community grants

Community grants

The focus of our community grants is activities that will contribute to the goals of:  

Before you apply

Before giving your time and energy to an application, consider:  

  • Is there a clear need for your activity?  
  • Is there community support for your activity?  
  • Do you have the resources needed to deliver your activity?

Who can apply

To be considered for a community grant, the applicant must be a registered legal entity, such as an incorporated association.

If you are an informal group or individual, your application can be submitted by an auspice organisation.

Our Community Strengthening team delivers the community grants program. We are here for you. Our job is to support you to make great things happen in our community.

We recommend you give yourself the best chance of success by booking a pre-application discussion with a Community Strengthening Officer:

[email protected]

1300 002 642

How to apply

Complete an online application form through SmartyGrants.

This requires access to a computer, the internet, and an email address. If you don't have access to these, please contact us

STEP 1: Go online to SmartyGrants website

STEP 2: Select the application form

STEP 3: Preview the form (optional). Choose Preview the form

STEP 4: Start an application. Choose Start a submission

About SmartyGrants

We use the SmartyGrants system to provide an easy way for applicants to submit applications online.

SmartyGrants allows you to:

  • Create your own login to access any grants you’re working on
  • Create and save your draft application and continue at any time
  • Upload documents
  • Submit an acquittal (end-of-activity reporting)
  • Be certain that we’ve received your application when you submit it

If you are representing an organisation, SmartyGrants allows you to create an organisational login so other staff members can access grant information as required.


If you need help you can contact us: 

[email protected]

1300 002 642

Bendigo Funding Finder 

The City has collaborated with GrantGuru to establish a customised search tool for locating potential funding opportunities: 

Bendigo Funding Finder 

GEE (Grants, Events, Etc) 

GEE (Grants, Events, Etc) is an eNewsletter for community groups and organisations. It details the latest grant opportunities, as well as upcoming events and community resources. Subscribe now by emailing: 

[email protected]