To live in a caravan on site at the property where you intend to build, you need to obtain a permit.
On-site habitation permit
To live in a caravan on site at the property where you intend to build, you need to obtain a permit. Permits are valid for 6 months.
To be granted a permit to live on site you need to provide the following:
- A current building permit for the proposed dwelling
- A current septic tank system permit to install (only in unsewered areas). Where reticulated sewerage is available, all waste water must be properly connected to the sewer.
- Proper sanitation facilities – minimum of a toilet, a laundry trough, a kitchen sink, a shower or bath and a hand wash basin
- Water tight flooring
- To dispose of all domestic rubbish adequately, maintain the property and not cause a nuisance to surrounding neighbours.
Renewing a permit
Your temporary on-site habitation permit is valid for 6 months. Renewing your permit will incur an additional fee. If we are not satisfied that sufficient progress is being made on the permanent dwelling, then the permit will not be renewed and occupants must vacate the property.
Please note: You are not permitted to live in a shed, although its use for auxiliary purposes may be suitable (e.g. use for provision of shelter for a caravan).
Our Environmental Health staff are often out of the office, working within the community. If you would like a face-to-face meeting to discuss any Environmental Health matters, we invite you to contact us in advance to arrange a suitable time.