Governance resources for sports clubs

Governance resources


All user groups must be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2012, or come under the auspices of an incorporated organisation. The City will only allocate facilities to clubs that can provide documentation to show they are incorporated.  For more information regarding this or how to become incorporated, please contact Consumer Affairs Victoria



Property Insurance

Buildings owned by the City are fully insured by the City unless otherwise stated. All contents which the City owns, operates or controls are insured by the City. 

Public Liability Insurance 

 As a condition of a club’s tenancy of a City reserve, each club must have its own public liability insurance and ensure that it remains current for the duration of use. 

Tenants Property 

Tenant Clubs must insure their own property for loss and damage, including fire and water damage. Tenant Club property is not insured by the City. 

Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of user groups to ensure the respectful behaviour of all participants, members and visitors to ensure the enjoyment of all people at club activities. Please refer to the Code of Conduct of your respective sport for further information regarding this. 

Fair Play Code

The Victorian Government’s Fair Play Code – a code of conduct for sport and recreation in Victoria, outlines the standards of behaviour expected for everyone involved in sport and recreation. The Fair Play Code provides guidance on the responsibilities of those involved in sport and recreation, dealing with potential breaches and where to seek further information. 

Victoria's sporting organisations are required to adhere to and enforce the Fair Play Code to receive funding from Sport and Recreation Victoria.  

Victorian Government’s Fair Play Code

Gaming and Raffles

No gambling or gaming equipment on City owned or managed land is permitted unless prior permission has been obtained from Council.

Read more on the Victorian Commission for Gaming and Liquor Regulation website:

Tobacco Act

Tobacco act – no smoking or use of e-cigarettes (vaping) at junior sporting events

The 2015 changes to the tobacco legislation included smoking banned within 10 metres of: 

  • Children’s playgrounds (including one piece of play equipment as well as a cluster of equipment) 

  • Skate parks (areas designed for rollerblading, rollerskating, skateboard, BMX bikes and non- motorised scooters 

  • Outdoor sporting venues during organised under 18s sporting events (includes pre-arranged matches, training or practice sessions and breaks during the event or training session where most of the people participating are under 18 years old. 

  • BBQ, picnic areas and car parks that are within the 10 metre radius of the above facilities from 1 August 2017 

  • Smoking and vaping are banned within the outdoor areas of all public swimming pool complexes; this includes outdoor dining areas 


No smoking or vaping in City buildings

Clubs are advised that smoking and vaping are prohibited in all City owned buildings including sports pavilions, with no person able to smoke or use an e-cigarette within five metres of doorways or open windows. 

It is the responsibility of Clubs to uphold this policy in the interests of community health.  Any evidence of smoking or vaping within a City pavilion will result in a review of the user group’s allocation of that pavilion, which may also jeopardise any future allocations. 

See the Department of Health website for more information on the Tobacco Act

Risk Management

The City and user groups have a responsibility to manage the risks associated with the provision of sporting and recreational activities for the broader community. Whilst the City has risk management processes, Clubs should also have a Risk Management Plan and a broad understanding of the risks associated with their sports activities.  

In most cases the peak representative body of the sport has resources and templates and can provide support to clubs with risk planning and management. 

Prior to the commencement of the season, clubs are expected to submit details of their risk management plan and policies which address the identified risks. 

Disability Discrimination Act

Under the City’s commitment to provide disability access in all City owned premises, clubs are required to adopt inclusive practices in line with the obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Equal Opportunities Act

The City is committed to providing access in all City owned and leased premises.  This requires tenants to adopt inclusive practices in line with obligations under the Equal Opportunities Act