Bin night

What day is my bin collected?

Find out dates for all services in your collection area. 

Can't find your address?

If your address isn't showing in the search, you can also check your bin collection and calendar on Community Compass mapping tool. If you live in a unit or apartment please use your street number only e.g. if you live at 2/23 Smith Street, search for 23 Smith.

Visit Community Compass

Bin requests

How often are bins collected?

Starting Monday February 5, 2024 the collection of residential general waste bins moved from weekly to fortnightly, and the collection of organics bins moving from fortnightly to weekly.

  • Organics bin with lime green lid - weekly
  • Recycling bin with blue or yellow lid - fortnightly
  • General waste bin with dark green or red lid - fortnightly

We collect on public holidays except for Good Friday and Christmas Day.

Put out your bin the right way

So your bin is emptied make sure it is:

  • On the street by 6am
  • Near the kerb (handle facing your house)
  • Spaced with 50cm between bins
  • Shut - close the lid to prevent littering as bins are picked up
  • Under 60kg in weight

Your bin should not be on the kerb, except for the 24 hours either side of your collection day.

Bins belong to the address. Do not take bins if you move.

Bin audits - find out how they work

We spot-check bins on collection day to prevent load contamination and help your household understand what goes into which bin.