Avoid plastics

Everyday item Sustainable version
Plastic pegs Steel or wooden pegs
Face wipes and baby wipes Cotton face washer
Makeup pads Reusable makeup pads
Plastic produce bag Reusable produce bag (or no bag at all)
Plastic water bottle Reusable drink bottle
Plastic hair brush Wooden hair brush
Plastic takeaway containers Reusable containers
Synthetic dish cloths Washable and compostable dishcloths
Tea bags (lots of brands contain plastic!) Tea infuser
Single-use cup Reusable takeaway cup
Disposable razor Reusable razor
Plastic cotton buds Compostable cotton buds
Plastic toothbrush Bamboo toothbrush
Shaving cream Shaving soap
Toothpaste tubes Teeth tabs
Disposable nursing pads Reusable nursing pads
Disposable toilet bombs Natural toilet bombs
Dish detergent Dish soap and brush
Disposable nappies Reusable nappies
Disposable sanitary products Reusable sanitary products
Plastic coat hangers Wire coat hangers
Disposable nappy bags Wet bag
Roll on or aerosol deodorant Deodorant balm
Plastic floss Natural fibre floss
Shampoo and conditioner bottle Shampoo and conditioner bar
Single-use coffee pods Reusable coffee pods
Disposable drinks tray (used for only minutes!) Reusable drinks tray
Single-use ziplock bags Reusable silicone ziplock bags
Single-use plastic straws Reusable straws
Cling wrap Food wraps and bowl covers
Plastic bread bags Reusable bread bags
Single-use sachets Reusable yoghurt and baby food pouches
Baking paper Silicone baking mat
Single-use balloons and decorations Reusable or recyclable party decorations