The less plastic in your life, the better for you, your family and the environment. Use our list of more sustainable swaps for everyday plastic items.
Everyday item | Sustainable version |
Plastic pegs | Steel or wooden pegs |
Face wipes and baby wipes | Cotton face washer |
Makeup pads | Reusable makeup pads |
Plastic produce bag | Reusable produce bag (or no bag at all) |
Plastic water bottle | Reusable drink bottle |
Plastic hair brush | Wooden hair brush |
Plastic takeaway containers | Reusable containers |
Synthetic dish cloths | Washable and compostable dishcloths |
Tea bags (lots of brands contain plastic!) | Tea infuser |
Single-use cup | Reusable takeaway cup |
Disposable razor | Reusable razor |
Plastic cotton buds | Compostable cotton buds |
Plastic toothbrush | Bamboo toothbrush |
Shaving cream | Shaving soap |
Toothpaste tubes | Teeth tabs |
Disposable nursing pads | Reusable nursing pads |
Disposable toilet bombs | Natural toilet bombs |
Dish detergent | Dish soap and brush |
Disposable nappies | Reusable nappies |
Disposable sanitary products | Reusable sanitary products |
Plastic coat hangers | Wire coat hangers |
Disposable nappy bags | Wet bag |
Roll on or aerosol deodorant | Deodorant balm |
Plastic floss | Natural fibre floss |
Shampoo and conditioner bottle | Shampoo and conditioner bar |
Single-use coffee pods | Reusable coffee pods |
Disposable drinks tray (used for only minutes!) | Reusable drinks tray |
Single-use ziplock bags | Reusable silicone ziplock bags |
Single-use plastic straws | Reusable straws |
Cling wrap | Food wraps and bowl covers |
Plastic bread bags | Reusable bread bags |
Single-use sachets | Reusable yoghurt and baby food pouches |
Baking paper | Silicone baking mat |
Single-use balloons and decorations | Reusable or recyclable party decorations |