Reusable cloth nappies

Reusable cloth nappies workshop


Reusable Cloth Nappy Workshop

Join us to learn more about modern cloth nappies, tips and hints for choosing your family’s cloth nappies and ongoing care.


Quarry Hill Reusable Cloth Nappy Workshop

Date: Tuesday, April 29 2025, 11am

Location: The Old Church on the Hill, 36 Russell Street, Quarry Hill

Register to attend

Benefits of cloth vs disposable nappies

  Cloth Disposable
Per child Approx. 20-30 5,000-6,000
Use Multiple children Single use
Cost per child $250 to $1000 $1,200 to $2,500
Resale Yes No
After use Wash, reuse Landfill 100+ years

Buying - cost and sources

Cloth nappies can cost anywhere between about $5 to $35 each.

Search online to see cloth nappy examples and brands. Price, quality and absorbency varies a lot. Most brands offer trial packs with a range of sizes. Large chain or department stores sell terry squares or pre-fold cloth nappies. 

You can also purchase second hand nappies. Be sure to strip and sanitise them before use.

Using - types and accessories

Some families choose to use cloth nappies part time, such as during the day.

'One Size Fits Most', all in-one (AIO) or all-in-two (AI2) nappies work like disposable nappies. They include absorbent and water-resistant covers and are fastened with buttons. Flats and prefolds need pins or plastic fasteners as well as waterproof covers.

Consider using cloth rather than disposable wipes. Get a wet bag to store used nappies when you are out and about. They are water and odour resistant. Wet bags are made with water-resistant PUL. 

Washing - how to

You will need a good quality detergent and an open aerated basket.

How to deal with a soiled cloth nappy:

  1. Rinse: Place solids in the toilet and rinse then store in an open aerated basket (dry pail) for up to 2 days
  2. Prewash: A short 30-minute warm/hot wash to remove most of the soiling. Store for 1-2 days in an open airy basket until you have enough for a full load
  3. Main wash: A long/heavy warm or hot wash. Fill load with small items (nothing bigger than an adult size t-shirt/pillowcase) for maximum agitation

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