Dogs in public places

Map of dog areas

The dog areas map shows areas you can exercise your dog off-leash and some of the areas you can't take your dog. 

Off-leash area

If you and your dog love an off-leash walk, don’t stress as there are still plenty of spaces designated for dogs to have a romp and play off-leash including four fully fenced dog parks as well as the following new designated off-leash areas.

Designated dogs off-leash area
Designated dogs off-leash area

Designated off-leash (restrictions)

You can exercise your dog off-leash in these areas at any time, except when the spaces have planned bookings for any organised event such as sports or training. Remember to bring your dog’s own water and dog poo waste bags to these locations. Also remember these areas are not fenced.

Designated Dogs off-leash area with restrictions
Designated Dogs off-leash area with restrictions

No dogs allowed

Residents are also reminded that there are some places where dogs are banned including the following areas unless permission to allow dogs within these areas has been granted by the City.

Dogs prohibited area
Dogs prohibited area
Prohibited areas