Traffic management

All Traffic Management Plans must be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and must be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009.

If works are on an arterial road you must have consent from the Department of Transport and Planning. 

Traffic management plans

If you want to close access to a road for your event, you will need to apply for a permit and plan appropriate traffic management.

At least three months before your event, you will need to apply for approvals from:

  • The City for all local roads
  • VicRoads for highways and major roads
  • Victoria Police if a Police permit is required
  • Public Transport Victoria – to delay, divert, cancel or require additional PT services


Notifying organisations and agencies of a road closure

Once road closure approvals have been granted, you need to provide notification to the following organisations:

  • All emergency services – Police, CFA, SES, Ambulance Victoria
  • Taxi Association of Bendigo
  • Bus services
  • Tramways
  • Bendigo Hospital

You also need to place a public notice in local papers and inform any business and/or residents who may be affected.


Qualified personnel

Only qualified personnel are allowed to perform road closures and provide traffic management assistance.

The City's Works Unit can arrange for the signs, barriers, traffic management plans and personnel on merit via an approval process - fees may apply.


For more information please contact:

[email protected]

1300 002 642