Commercial fitness booking

Commercial fitness bookings

There are 3 types of permits you can apply for:

  • Annual permit - October to September (12 month period)
  • Summer permit - October to March (6 month period) or
  • Casual permit - per use (minimum 3 business days' notice is required)

The City does not provide undercover training areas in the event of inclement weather. This is the responsibility of the operator to cancel the session or seek an alternative indoor venue.

Receiving participant statistics as part of the booking process, also assists the City to better plan for, develop and enhance public and open spaces, recreation facilities and healthy promotion services.

How to make a booking

If you would like to apply for a permit to operate fitness classes at a City managed sporting ground, park or garden for casual or regular use you can make a profile and submit your booking online.


For more information please contact us: 

[email protected] 

1300 002 642