Woodvale Public Hall (Crown Land Facility)

34 Dalys Road, Woodvale

Woodvale Hall, Woodvale
Woodvale Public Hall

The facility is equipped with whiteboard, reverse cycle heating and air conditioning, ample large fold up tables and chairs, crockery, kitchen and cooking facilities with fridges, hot water unit, portable public address and music system etc. There is also an outside barbeque and pergola which are situated in the secure and expansive grounds.

Bookings are available any time. $100, plus Public Liability Insurance ($25), (an extra $10 is required for Public Address/music unit if needed).

A $200 Bond is required per hiring to cover damage, will be handed back upon satisfactory use of the hall.

The Woodvale Public Hall is a Crown Land Facility, managed by a Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action committee of management.

Booking information

Carol Davis

03 5446 7802