Dudley House 

60 View St, Bendigo

Opening hours

Varies according to exhibitions in the space.

[email protected]

03 5434 6100

Dudley House at night - Acknowledgement of Country sculpture by Isobel Morphy-Walsh.
Dudley House sculpture

Dudley House overlooks the Queen Elizabeth Oval and is perched at the highest point of the View Street arts precinct, above The Capital and Bendigo Art Gallery.

The red brick building is one of the earliest and most intact 1850s buildings remaining in Bendigo CBD. Like all government buildings of this era, its exterior is fairly modest, unlike the opulent styles of later decades. It was originally built as a residence for the district surveyor, who designed the Bendigo street layout that we still use to this day. 

Call in to Dudley House to see the latest in its program of visual art exhibitions showcasing local and emerging artistic talent. 


60 View St, Bendigo