Maps to help you plan your trip. Walking and riding maps and how to connect with other transport.
Maps for bikes
This map shows protected cycling infrastructure and on-road options to help you plan your trip.
Please scan the route you intend to take to familiarise yourself with on-road sections and plan how to make your way through intersections. In some cases you may need to dismount your bike and walk it through an intersection. Be aware that there is variability within mapped categories, and riding conditions may change based on weather, day or time.
If data is not displaying in the online map, you may need to clear cached data in your web browser.
Maps for pedestrians
Walking and riding are activities that can be integrated into everyday life as daily transport and recreation, and can be used in combination with other forms of transport for longer trips.
Footpaths and shared paths
You can view the location of footpaths and shared paths online to help you plan your trip.
Connecting with public transport
Depending on where you’re coming from, you may want to incorporate a bus or train into your trip. Combining walking or riding with public transport is a popular way to get around.
Options to connect with public transport
Public Transport Victoria offers a free service called Parkiteer at Bendigo and Kangaroo Flat Train Stations. It is a secure bike cage with 24-hour access. You can register to use Parkiteer, and get your access card through Bicycle Network
Bike racks have been installed on buses travelling along 14 local routes in Bendigo and the Bendigo to Heathcote route. For more information on how to use bikes racks on buses including a video, have a look at the Public Transport Victoria website
Folding bikes can be carried on V/Line trains and conventional bikes can be carried if there is adequate space availability; more information available on the Public Transport Victoria website